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  1. lista de troféus de Death Stranding Troféus de platina: Greatest of Great Deliveries Troféu de Bronze: Delivering is what i do (complete prologue) Troféu de Bronze: Rebuild america (complete episode 1) 18 Troféus escondidos (provavelmente ligado a historia do jogo) Troféu de Bronze: Everyday delivery (complete a standard order) Troféu de Bronze: Deliveries done (complete 36 standard orders) Troféu de Bronze: Birth of a legend (Complete 10 premium deliveries with an evaluation of “Legend”) Troféu de Ouro: Growth of a legend (complete 20 premium deliveries with an evaluation of "Legend") Troféu de Bronze: A helping hand (issue your first supply request) Troféu de Bronze: the automated revolution (Complete a standard order with a delivery bot) Troféu de Bronze: Apprentice builder (Build your first structure ( sign ladders and climbing anchor)) Troféu de Bronze: Master builder (Build at least one of every structure) Troféu de Bronze: A new day for the UCA (Connect your first new affiliate to the UCA) Troféu escondido Troféu de Bronze: Well connected (Reach level 3 connection with a facility) Troféu de Prata: Best loved (Reach the max connection level with all facilities.) Troféu de Bronze: Like and be liked (Give your first like) Troféu escondido Troféu escondido Troféu de Bronze: Giver of gifts (Make your first donation of weapons, equipment, etc) Troféu de Bronze: Chiral crafter (Recyle chiral crystals for the first time) Troféu escondido Troféu escondido Troféu escondido Troféu de Bronze: The post guides the present (Read 100 mail) Troféu de Bronze: The past guides the present (Read 100 interviews) Troféu escondido Troféu de Bronze: Childminder (Reach max connection level with bb) Troféu de Bronze: A baby blessing (Get a like from bb) Troféu de Bronze: Prominter porter (reach grade 10 in any delivery evaluation catergory) Troféu escondido Troféu de Bronze: Catcher crusher (Defeat a Catcher) Troféu de Bronze: Snooze n` soothe (Heal by sleeping the first time) Troféu de Bronze: Boots are porter`s best friend (Changed footwear for the first time) Troféu de Bronze: Hooked on delivering? (Deliver 700 items of cargo) Troféu de Bronze: Pumped porter (Deliver 3000 kg of cargo) Troféu de Bronze: Well traveled (Travel 80 km and complete an order) Troféu escondido Troféu de Bronze: Rest in pieces (In a bt area cut an cord for the first time without the bt noticing) Troféu de Bronze: Any porter in the storm (Trade with enough porter for the first time) Troféu escondido Troféu de Bronze: A shout in the dark (Send a shoutout for the first time and have it returned) Troféu de Bronze: Public service porter (Dispose of a chiralum contamined cargo in the crater lake for the first time) Troféu de Bronze: Trail blazer (Upgrade all types of stucture to max level) Troféu de Bronze: I couldnt hold it in (Pee outside first time) Troféu de Bronze: All roads lead to uca (Complete your first road) Troféu de Bronze: Soothing sounds (Use the music player 1st time) Troféu de Bronze: Building bridges (Reach bridge link grade 1) Troféu de Bronze: Homo faber (Fabricate all weapons and equipment) Fontes:
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