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[Bug(?)] The Hero trophy - Dragon's Dogma

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Sim,eu já chequei e rechequei diversas e diversas vezes as listas das quests que tem de ser completadas para esse trofeu e todas as minhas quests estão na lista. Já finalizei o jogo após completar a ultima que faltava (bad bussiness) e já até fiz 3 sidequests e algumas da principal e nada do troféu desbloquear.


Essa já é a 4a ou 5a jogada e realmente não estou afim de refazer tuuuudo de novo.



Alguém sabe o que poderia ser?


Eu me baseio nessa lista de quests


Harbinger of Destruction**

Newly Arisen**

Floral Delivery

Lost Faith

Grim Tidings

Upon a Pawn** & saving Reynard

Call of the Arisen**

Strength in Numbers -- After talking to the rift voice, speak with the guard by the notice board

Guard Duty

Deep Trouble

A Rude Awakening**

An Uninvited Guest

Lost and Found

Off With Its Head**

A Matter of Myrmidons**

A Troublesome Tome

Land of Opportunity

Lure of the Abyss**

Reaper's Scorn

Thick as Thieves -- Female bandit camp Can be done before or after meeting The Duke

Deeper Trouble

Chasing Shadows -- When you first come to Gran Soren

The Cypher**

Dying of Curiosity

A Fortress Besieged**

Escort Duty

Of Merchants and Monsters

Justice Done**

Seeking Salvation**

The Watergod's Altar**

Search Party -- This is Reynard quest, Do it later if you don't want him to leave just yet

Come to Court** This is when you first meet The Duke

Talent in Bloom

Supplier's Demand

Idol Worship

Farewell, Valmiro

An Innocent Man

No Honor Among Thieves -- Male bandit camp Can be done before or after meeting The Duke

Witch Hunt

Mettle Against Metal

The Dragon's Tongue

The Conspirators

Nameless Terror

A Parting Gift

Rise of the Fallen

Arousing Suspicion

Supply and Demands

Griffin's Bane** 1st set of Aldous Quest's

Trial and Tribulations** 1st set of Aldous Quest's

The Wyrmking's Ring** 2nd set of Aldous Quest's

Pride Before a Fall** 2nd set of Aldous Quest's

Honor and Treachery 3rd set

Reward and Responsibility** 3rd set

Bad Business

Duchess In Distress

Deny Salvation** Point of no return, do all side quests

The Final Battle**

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