anichagas_ 182 Postado Fevereiro 16, 2019 Guia de troféus: Hakuoki: Kyoto Winds . Introdução Sobre o jogo RoadMap Troféus :platinum: Does This Mean I Can Go Outside Now...? :gold: Just Kiss Already! :gold: George Lucas Would Be Proud :gold: Not Just a Pretty Face :silver: You Can't Sit With Us :silver: Okie-ta Dokie-ta :silver: *Seen at 9:30 PM* :silver: Toudou, I Don't Think We're In Kyoto :silver: Gingerbread Man :silver: Mahalo, Bro :silver: Sanaan Bread and Curry :silver: Nihongo Ninja Warrior :silver: Oh, Brother... :silver: These Chicks Love Souma :silver: Rico Suave :silver: Kazablanca :silver: It Could've Been Worse... :silver: It Just Got Worse... :silver: [...............] :bronze: Nobody Makes Me Bleed My Own Blood :bronze: Take a Page Out of My Book :bronze: New Town, Who Dis...? :bronze: Still a Better Love Story than... :bronze: Our Pets' Heads Are Falling Off! :bronze: Just a Small-Town boy... :bronze: Souji Whiz :bronze: Saito For Sore Eyes :bronze: Aren't You a Little Short for a Samurai? :bronze: My Little Red Corvette :bronze: Out of the Friendzone :bronze: N.E.R.D. :bronze: Where Did You Come From...? :bronze: Reunited, and It Feels So Good :bronze: We Got Sou-mach to Catch Up On :bronze: Is That a Gun in Your Pocket, or... :bronze: Now That's What I Call Demon, Vol. 1 . - Dificuldade Estimada do Jogo: 21.2/100 * - Pontos de dificuldade: 23 * - Tempo Aproximado de obtenção dos troféus: 4-6 horas - Offline: 17 :bronze: 15 :silver: 3 :gold: 1 :platinum: - Troféus que você pode perder: Nenhum, caso siga o guia - Minimo de Jogadas: 1 seguindo o guia ou 12 + extras para finais diferentes - A dificuldade afeta os troféus: Não - Troféus Bugados: Não - Cheats impedem troféus?: Não * Estes valores podem variar conforme o tempo e crescimento da base de dados. . Hakuoki: Kyoto Winds é a quarta versão do mesmo jogo, lançado originalmente para o PlayStation Portable, depois para o Nintendo 3DS e PlayStation 3, agora com um relançamento para o PlayStation Vita. Carro-chefe da Idea Factory no Japão, esta versão marca a primeira vez que a Idea Factory International fica encarregada da série, depois de cinco anos sob os cuidados da Aksys Games. Para aqueles que acham que este nome não é estranho, é porque analisamos a versão de PlayStation 3 em 2014. Todas as versões do jogo contém o jogo "base", contando com algumas diferenças e adições das versões mais recentes. Hakuoki: Kyoto Winds, porém, muda completamente a fórmula. Este lançamento na verdade possui apenas a primeira metade do jogo, contando com várias novas rotas e uma história expandida. A premissa continua a mesma de todos os outros lançamentos: você controla a protagonista Chizuru, recém-chegada em Kyoto e em busca de seu pai, que logo acaba envolvida com o Shinsengumi, um grupo de espadachins encarregados de patrulhar e cuidar da segurança da cidade, sob as ordens diretas do Shogun. Sob os cuidados (ou mesmo sob o controle) dos capitães deste esquadrão, Chizuru precisa encontrar seu pai e descobrir o mistério por trás de seu desaparecimento, enquanto toda uma narrativa polÃtica se desenvolve, com repercussões históricas no Japão. Claro, como não podia faltar com jogos otome, o romance é certamente uma parte importante do jogo. Comparado a outros tÃtulos do gênero, o romance acaba não sendo um grande foco, porque a história se desenrola por anos e anos, fazendo com que as relações entre os personagens sejam construÃdas aos poucos. Aqui entra o grande ponto de discussão desta versão: o romance deste jogo em especÃfico acaba ficando para a segunda parte. Para quem já jogou qualquer uma das versões anteriores, sabe que é somente na segunda metade que a protagonista chega a se envolver romanticamente com alguns dos personagens da trama, e como o ponto de corte desta versão é exatamente na metade, você acaba ficando com uma visual novel que não atende ao público-alvo e tem uma abordagem mais universal, até para jogadores que não gostam de jogos de romance. O jogo completo é conhecido por ser bem longo, uma vez que para captar toda a história, você precisa completar todas as rotas, então essa divisão até ajuda, já que completar todas as rotas leva bem menos tempo, ainda que conte com o conteúdo adicional. Por sinal, o conteúdo adicional ajuda bastante a expandir a trama, mesmo que sejam adições feitas a uma história original de quase dez anos de idade. A arte do jogo e a trilha sonora continuam as mesmas, evocando o clima e estilo do Japão da era feudal, assim como a nova arte mescla muito bem com o conteúdo já existente. O jogo é inteiramente dublado em japonês, inclusive as novas rotas com os novos personagens, sendo legendado apenas em inglês. Com o lançamento da segunda parte ainda sem confirmação oficial, Hakuoki: Kyoto Winds é um lançamento muito interessante. É possÃvel encontrar as versões anteriores e mais "completas" por um valor muito mais em conta para o jogador, mas este lançamento, apesar de ser a primeira metade do jogo, serve como uma única experiência. Se levado em conta com a segunda parte, seria de longe a versão mais completa possÃvel e imaginária desta série. DifÃcil achar um público que ache mais vantagem neste lançamento do que em qualquer uma das versões anteriores, mas se o custo-benefÃcio não é um problema, com certeza este é um jogo imperdÃvel para fãs do gênero. Fonte: . Configurações Entre no menu Settings > Game Settings Coloque Skip Mode em "Force" Clique em Skip/Auto-Skip Settings Coloque Force Skip, Skip Read e Auto todo no máximo de "Fast" Comandos :cross: Confirma Cancela Menu :square: Auto-Skip O jogo possui 12 personagens, então teremos 12 rotas diferentes a seguir. Cada personagem possui 1 TRUE END, 1 BAD END e 1 UNREQUITED END. Deixarei abaixo o guia completo de como conseguir todos os troféus, informando inclusive onde cada troféu irá cair caso siga o guia. GUIA Toshizo Hijikata New Game Escolha um nome e aperte "Confirm" Prologue Continue lendo as conversas até o fim :bronze: Nobody Makes Me Bleed My Own Blood Chapter 1 Warrior Record has been unlocked. (aperte :cross: para continuar) Find a way to escape. Ran for it. Stay put. I could see that. Ask Hijikata if I can help around the compound. Accompany Hijikata as his page. Explain the situation :bronze: Take a Page Out of My Book Chapter 2 Remain in the compound. Why me? Susumu Yamazaki's warrior record has been released. (aperte :cross: para continuar) Yamazaki, you should go. Stay with Hijikata. Sorry for not remembering. Hachiro Iba's warrior record has been unlocked. (aperte :cross: para continuar) ...want to come. To Mount Ten'nou. Stop Nagakura. ...Keep running. Chikage Kazama's status has been released. (aperte :cross: para continuar) Want to watch over everyone while you're gone... :bronze: New Town, Who Dis...? Chapter 3 Return to my room. Remain in the common room. It'll be okay. Stay. Reached for my sword. Refrain from drawing sword. Yes, please. It's not any of my business. The Demons. I'll help with the research. Kazue Souma's record of service has been unlocked. (aperte :cross: para continuar) The notice board. Perplexed. :bronze: Still a Better Love Story than... Chapter 4: The soldiers. Someone high-ranking. Yes Go find the others. You don't even know anything. Try to attack. What would you like to eat? Still wanted to help. Help with Itou. I want to help. Trust Hijikata. Return immediately. :bronze: Our Pets' Heads Are Falling Off! Chapter 5: :bronze: Just a Small-Town boy... I should leave... Get revenge. Record of Service has been unlocked. (aperte :cross: para continuar) :silver: You Can't Sit With Us Souji Okita New Game Escolha um nome e aperte "Confirm" Escolha "Yes" para pular o Prologue Chapter 1: Find a way to escape. Stayed where I was. Talk to someone. It's to test my skills. Quietly return to my room. Stay behind in the headquarters. Chapter 2: Leave and search for my father. Look for Okita. ... decided to distract the ronin. ... will stay behind. Go to the inner courtyard. You might have a point. Chapter 3: Investigate. Investigate Nambu house Scream. Go back to headquarters. But... Okita. I won't tell anyone. Yes, please. I'm worried about Okita. Catch up. The Furies. You're really good with your hands. Chapter 4: The soldiers. Someone neutral. Yes Go find the others. You don't even know anything. Try to escape. I'll make something you do want to eat. Decided to stay home. Check on Okita. Stop Okita. "No." I'll stay here. Chapter 5: :bronze: Souji Whiz I want you to do the right thing. I"™m worried about you Okita. :silver: Okie-ta Dokie-ta Hajime Saito New Game Escolha um nome e aperte "Confirm" Escolha "Yes" para pular o Prologue Chapter 1: Attempt to explain my situation. Decided to tell them why I'd come to Kyoto. Talk to someone. I just can't get myself to do it. Quietly return to my room. Go to Fushimi. Are you sure? I would appreciate it. Chapter 2: Remain in the compound. Why me? Yamazaki, you should go. Head to the Ikeda Inn. ...follow Saito. ... want to come. To Hamaguri Gate. Trust Saito. I think I understand. Chapter 3: Return to my room. Go to the inner courtyard. Stay. Cried for backup. Got it. Yes, please. I'm worried about Okita. Go around. The Furies. Do you want to, um, play? Chapter 4: The Guard. Felt betrayed. Yes Go outside. Stay quiet. Sorry for making you worry. Decided to stay home. I want to help. Trust Hijikata. Stay and talk. Chapter 5: :bronze: Saito For Sore Eyes Let"™s retreat for now. Will stop Saito. I understand. :silver: *Seen at 9:30 PM* Heisuke Toudou New Game Escolha um nome e aperte "Confirm" Escolha "Yes" para pular o Prologue Chapter 1: Attempt to explain my situation. Decided to tell them I wasn't a boy. Search the compound. Sure, when I get the chance someday. Ask Hijikata if I can help around the compound. Happy. Join them on their rounds. No, I'm not. Chapter 2: Leave and search for my father. Look for Heisuke. ... help Heisuke. ... will stay behind. Go to the common room. I stepped out of line... Chapter 3: Investigate. Investigate Yagi house Scream. Go back to headquarters. But... Heisuke. It's all right now, though. Yes, please. It's not any of my business. My father. The Furies. Sorry I couldn't help you out. Chapter 4: The Guard. Wanted them to stay. Yes Go outside. Scream. I'm fine! Still wanted to help. Convince Heisuke. Was worried about Heisuke. I want to be with you. I'll stay here. Chapter 5: :bronze: Aren't You a Little Short for a Samurai? You know that's not true. Make him endure it. I want to be by your side. :silver: Toudou, I Don't Think We're In Kyoto Sanosuke Harada New Game Escolha um nome e aperte "Confirm" Escolha "Yes" para pular o Prologue Chapter 1: Attempt to explain my situation. Gave up. Search the compound. No, I can't. Quietly return to my room. Thank you. Join them on their rounds. No, I'm not. Chapter 2: Remain in the compound. Why me? Yamazaki, you should go. Head to the Ikeda Inn. ...follow Harada. ... want to come. To Kuge Gate. Get rid of Shiranui. I stepped out of line... Chapter 3: Return to my room. Go outside. We all wish for the same thing. Stay. Didn't move. Have faith in Harada. Yes, please. It's not any of my business. Their interest in me. The notice board. Strange. Did I really look that unhappy? Chapter 4: The soldiers. Someone close to the people who were leaving. Yes Go find the others. You don't even know anything. Trust the Shinsengumi. I like eating with other people. Still wanted to help. Convince Heisuke. Tried to negotiate with the demons. I'll stay here. Chapter 5: :bronze: My Little Red Corvette It's hard to say. Pretend to drink. Run away. :silver: Gingerbread Man Gallery has been unlocked. (aperte :cross: para continuar) Chikage Kazama New Game Escolha um nome e aperte "Confirm" Escolha "Yes" para pular o Prologue Chapter 1: Find a way to escape. Ran for it. Search the compound. No, I can't. Quietly return to my room. Accompany Hijikata as his page. Explain the situation Chapter 2: Leave and search for my father. Scope things out. Go upstairs. ... thank him. Were you a patient? ... want to come. To Mount Ten'nou. Stop Nagakura. ... Hold my place. I stepped out of line... Chapter 3: Investigate. Investigate Yagi house Persuade him. Stay. Reached for my sword. Draw the sword. Yes, please. It's not any of my business. Turning humans into Demons. No, I'd rather not know. I still have faith in them. The Furies. Chapter 4: The soldiers. Someone who knows Itou. Do you really think so? Talk to him. No Go find the others. I will take responsibility in my father's place. Try to escape. Decided to stay home. I'll stay here. Chapter 5: :bronze: Now That's What I Call Demon, Vol. 1 You guys are the monsters. The head of the Yukimura Clan. :silver: Kazablanca Shinpachi Nagakura New Game Escolha um nome e aperte "Confirm" Escolha "Yes" para pular o Prologue Chapter 1: Attempt to explain my situation. Decided to tell them why I'd come to Kyoto. Search the compound. No, I can't. Quietly return to my room. Join them on their rounds. No, I'm not. Chapter 2: Leave and search for my father. Scope things out. Need to take care of Nagakura. No, show me your hand right now. ... want to come. To Mount Ten'nou. Fight as well. I'm not sure I agree. Left him alone. Chapter 3: Return to my room. Go back to my room. Am glad he's alive, though. Stay. Didn't move. Tell him to watch out. Yes, please. It's not any of my business. Their interest in me. We shouldn't. Sen ... think I understand what you mean. Chapter 4: The soldiers. Someone close to the people who were leaving. I don't think so. Yes Stay in my room. Run away from the room. Call for help. Please don't push yourself. Can I be one too? Still wanted to help. I'll do anything. Ran after Nagakura. I'll stay here. Chapter 5: :bronze: Out of the Friendzone Okay, I understand. Do you have to go? It's not over yet. :silver: Mahalo, Bro Keisuke Sanan New Game Escolha um nome e aperte "Confirm" Escolha "Yes" para pular o Prologue Chapter 1: Find a way to escape Stayed where I was. Stay put. Wow, I had no idea. Quietly return to my room. Stay behind in the headquarters. Chapter 2: Remain in the compound. I'll go. Yamazaki, you should go. Stay with Hijikata. ... will stay behind. Go to the common room. I stepped out of line... Chapter 3: Investigate. Investigate Yagi house Persuade him. Go back to headquarters. But... Heisuke. Yeah, it is. Yes, please. It's not any of my business. Turning humans into Demons. Yes, I do. Grab his hands. The Furies. Chapter 4: The soldiers. Someone who knows Itou. Yes, I hope so as well. Yes Stay in my room. Run away from the room. Fight Kazama. Trust Sanan. I'm sure they understand Still wanted to help. I'll do anything. Remained here with Heisuke. Will leave him in your hands. I will leave him to you. I'll stay here. Chapter 5: :bronze: N.E.R.D. Do you really believe that it"™ll get better? Asked for a reason. :silver: Sanaan Bread and Curry Susumu Yamazaki New Game Escolha um nome e aperte "Confirm" Escolha "Yes" para pular o Prologue Chapter 1: Find a way to escape. Stayed where I was. Stay put. Wow, I had no idea. Quietly return to my room. Accompany Hijikata as his page. Explain the situation Chapter 2: Remain in the compound. Why me? I promise to give the message. Stay with Hijikata. Were you a patient? ... want to come. To Hamaguri Gate. Stop him. I stepped out of line... Chapter 3: Investigate. Investigate Yagi house Scream. Go back to headquarters. You're right. Okita. But... No, I'll take care of it. I'm worried about Okita. Go around. Leave it be. The Furies. Didn't even notice. Chapter 4: The Guard. Felt betrayed. Yes Stay in my room. Remain in the room. You're my comrade, too. I'm sure they understand Decided to stay home. I want to help. Confirm with Hijikata. Thank you in advance. Chapter 5: :bronze: Where Did You Come From...? I'm scared to leave you. I know what you mean... :silver: Nihongo Ninja Warrior Hachiro Iba New Game Escolha um nome e aperte "Confirm" Escolha "Yes" para pular o Prologue Chapter 1: Find a way to escape. Stayed where I was. Stay put. Wow, I had no idea. Quietly return to my room. Accompany Hijikata as his page. Apologize about Takeda Chapter 2: Remain in the compound. Why me? I promise to give the message. Stay with Hijikata. Sorry for not remembering. ... will stay behind. Go to the common room. Take a stroll. Chapter 3: Investigate. Investigate Yagi house Scream. Hide my hands. Yes, please. Call for someone. It's not any of my business. My father. Only if something were to happen... The notice board. Perplexed. Reason to protect me...? Chapter 4: The soldiers. Someone high-ranking. Take it back. No Go find the others. You don't even know anything. Trust the Shinsengumi. You have the Shinsengumi. I'll stay here. Chapter 5: :bronze: Reunited, and It Feels So Good If those are the Commander's orders... I understand. Okay. :silver: Oh, Brother... Kazue Souma New Game Escolha um nome e aperte "Confirm" Escolha "Yes" para pular o Prologue Chapter 1: Find a way to escape. Stayed where I was. Stay put. Wow, I had no idea. Quietly return to my room. Join them on their rounds. Actually, I'm a page. Chapter 2: Remain in the compound. Why me? Yamazaki, you should go. Head to the Ikeda Inn. ...follow Harada. ... will stay behind. Go to the common room. Respond kindly. Chapter 3: Return to my room. Go outside. Yes, it might be asking for too much. Go back to headquarters. But... Okita. But... No, I'll take care of it. It's not any of my business. My father. I was so happy for him. Okita I'm a member of the Shinsengumi. Chapter 4: You are useful. Yes Not explain it to him. I want to talk with him. Still wanted to help. Help with Itou. I'd love to hear it. Did it come to fruition? Chapter 5: :bronze: We Got Sou-mach to Catch Up On I'll stay here. Don't give up. Stop him. :silver: These Chicks Love Souma Ryouma Sakamoto New Game Escolha um nome e aperte "Confirm" Escolha "Yes" para pular o Prologue Chapter 1: Find a way to escape. Stayed where I was. Stay put. Wow, I had no idea. Quietly return to my room. Go to Fushimi. Oh, no thank you. Chapter 2: Remain in the compound. Why me? Yamazaki, you should go. Head to the Ikeda Inn. ...follow Harada. ... will stay behind. Go to the common room. Don't ask him. Ryouma Sakamoto's warrior record has been released. (aperte :cross: para continuar) Chapter 3: Return to my room. Go outside. Yes, it might be asking for too much. SAVE 1 Stay behind. I'm sorry. No, I'll take care of it. It's not any of my business. My father. Go call for help. Do you think so? Chapter 4: The soldiers. Someone close to the people who were leaving. I think he's a good person deep down. No Go outside. Scream. I'll do it. Went with them. I want to help. Trust Hijikata. Return immediately. Chapter 5: :bronze: Is That a Gun in Your Pocket, or... Don't go. Stay and talk to Sakamoto. I trust you. :silver: Rico Suave Continue > LOAD 1 Chapter 3: Go with them. Go back to headquarters. But... Heisuke. Yeah, it is. No, I'll take care of it. It's not any of my business. My father. The Furies. Chapter 4: The soldiers. Someone close to the people who were leaving. No Go outside. Scream. Decided to stay home. I want to help. Trust Hijikata. Return immediately. :silver: It Could've Been Worse... Record of Service Chapter 5: Story Toshizo Hijikata December 1867 > :cross: > Romance LOW > :cross: > Yes I have to leave. SAVE 2 Run for it Continue > LOAD 2 Get revenge. :gold: Just Kiss Already! Chapter 5: Story Souji Okita December 1867 > :cross: > Romance LOW > :cross: > Yes This isn't what Kondou would want! SAVE 3 There's no point in stopping you. Continue > LOAD 3 I'm worried about you Okita. Chapter 5: Story Hajime Saito December 1867 > :cross: > Romance LOW > :cross: > Yes You could win Saito. SAVE 4 Will go with Kazama. Continue > LOAD 4 Will stop Saito. Chapter 5: Story Heisuke Toudou December 1867 > :cross: > Romance LOW > :cross: > Yes That means you're free. SAVE 5 Give him medicine. Continue > LOAD 5 Make him endure it. Chapter 5: Story Sanosuke Harada December 1867 > :cross: > Romance LOW > :cross: > Yes That's pointless. SAVE 6 Run away. Continue > LOAD 6 Fight! Chapter 5: Story Shinpachi Nagakura December 1867 > :cross: > Romance LOW > :cross: > Yes You'll come back, right? SAVE 7 It's not over yet. Continue > LOAD 7 That's unfortunate. Chapter 5: Story Keisuke Sanan December 1867 > :cross: > Romance LOW > :cross: > Yes You're fine, Okita. SAVE 8 Asked for a reason. Continue > LOAD 8 Reproached him. Chapter 5: Story Susumu Yamazaki December 1867 > :cross: > Romance LOW > :cross: > Yes I want to be helpful. SAVE 9 You are fighting, Yamazaki! Continue > LOAD 9 I know what you mean... Chapter 5: Story Hachiro Iba December 1867 > :cross: > Romance LOW > :cross: > Yes I don't want to go. I'll fight by your side. SAVE 10 Okay. Continue > LOAD 10 No. Chapter 5: Story Kazue Souma December 1867 > :cross: > Romance LOW > :cross: > Yes Said nothing. SAVE 11 Give up. Continue > LOAD 11 Don't give up. Don't stop him. Chapter 5: Story Ryouma Sakamoto December 1867 > :cross: > Romance LOW > :cross: > Yes SAVE 12 Don't go. Stay and talk to Sakamoto. I can't trust him... Continue > LOAD 12 Go. Find a way to escape. I trust you. Chapter 5: Story Chikage Kazama December 1867 > :cross: > Romance LOW > :cross: > Yes I might be a monster. SAVE 13 The head of the Yukimura Clan. :gold: Not Just a Pretty Face :silver: [...............] Continue > LOAD 13 Kodo's daughter. :silver: It Just Got Worse... Gallery Gallery > Event Complete CG has been unlocked :gold: George Lucas Would Be Proud :platinum: Does This Mean I Can Go Outside Now...? Compartilhe esta postagem Link to post Share on other sites
anichagas_ 182 Postado Fevereiro 16, 2019 Does This Mean I Can Go Outside Now...? :platinum: [topo] Obtained all trophies. Consiga todos os troféus do jogo. Just Kiss Already! :gold: [topo] All Ending Movies Unlocked. Para conquistar esse troféu você precisa ter todos os vÃdeos incluindo: abertura, todos os TRUE END e UNREQUITED END. Abaixo seguem imagens: George Lucas Would Be Proud :gold: [topo] CG completed. Para conquistar esse troféu você precisará ter todos os tipos de finais. Abaixo seguem imagens: Not Just a Pretty Face :gold: [topo] Completed Encyclopedia. Para conquistar esse troféu você precisará obter informações ou históricos durante o jogo. A maioria delas aparecem em mais de uma rota. Abaixo seguem imagens: You Can't Sit With Us :silver: [topo] Hijikata's route cleared. Consiga o TRUE END de Toshizo Hijikata. GUIA Chapter 1: Find a way to escape. Ran for it. Stay put. I could see that. Ask Hijikata if I can help around the compound. Accompany Hijikata as his page. Explain the situation Chapter 2: Remain in the compound. Why me? Yamazaki, you should go. Stay with Hijikata. Sorry for not remembering. ...want to come. To Mount Ten'nou. Stop Nagakura. ...Keep running. Want to watch over everyone while you're gone... Chapter 3: Return to my room. Remain in the common room. It'll be okay. Stay. Reached for my sword. Refrain from drawing sword. Yes, please. It's not any of my business. The Demons. I'll help with the research. The notice board. Perplexed. Chapter 4: The soldiers. Someone high-ranking. Yes Go find the others. You don't even know anything. Try to attack. What would you like to eat? Still wanted to help. Help with Itou. I want to help. Trust Hijikata. Return immediately. Chapter 5: I should leave... Get revenge. Okie-ta Dokie-ta :silver: [topo] Okita's route cleared. Consiga o TRUE END de Souji Okita. GUIA Chapter 1: Find a way to escape. Stayed where I was. Talk to someone. It's to test my skills. Quietly return to my room. Stay behind in the headquarters. Chapter 2: Leave and search for my father. Look for Okita. ... decided to distract the ronin. ... will stay behind. Go to the inner courtyard. You might have a point. Chapter 3: Investigate. Investigate Nambu house Scream. Go back to headquarters. But... Okita. I won't tell anyone. Yes, please. I'm worried about Okita. Catch up. The Furies. You're really good with your hands. Chapter 4: The soldiers. Someone neutral. Yes Go find the others. You don't even know anything. Try to escape. I'll make something you do want to eat. Decided to stay home. Check on Okita. Stop Okita. "No." I'll stay here. Chapter 5: I want you to do the right thing. I"™m worried about you Okita. *Seen at 9:30 PM* :silver: [topo] Saito's route cleared. Consiga o TRUE END de Hajime Saito. GUIA Chapter 1: Attempt to explain my situation. Decided to tell them why I'd come to Kyoto. Talk to someone. I just can't get myself to do it. Quietly return to my room. Go to Fushimi. Are you sure? I would appreciate it. Chapter 2: Remain in the compound. Why me? Yamazaki, you should go. Head to the Ikeda Inn. ...follow Saito. ... want to come. To Hamaguri Gate. Trust Saito. I think I understand. Chapter 3: Return to my room. Go to the inner courtyard. Stay. Cried for backup. Got it. Yes, please. I'm worried about Okita. Go around. The Furies. Do you want to, um, play? Chapter 4: The Guard. Felt betrayed. Yes Go outside. Stay quiet. Sorry for making you worry. Decided to stay home. I want to help. Trust Hijikata. Stay and talk. Chapter 5: Let"™s retreat for now. Will stop Saito. I understand. Toudou, I Don't Think We're In Kyoto :silver: [topo] Toudou's route cleared. Consiga o TRUE END de Heisuke Toudou. GUIA Chapter 1: Attempt to explain my situation. Decided to tell them I wasn't a boy. Search the compound. Sure, when I get the chance someday. Ask Hijikata if I can help around the compound. Happy. Join them on their rounds. No, I'm not. Chapter 2: Leave and search for my father. Look for Heisuke. ... help Heisuke. ... will stay behind. Go to the common room. I stepped out of line... Chapter 3: Investigate. Investigate Yagi house Scream. Go back to headquarters. But... Heisuke. It's all right now, though. Yes, please. It's not any of my business. My father. The Furies. Sorry I couldn't help you out. Chapter 4: The Guard. Wanted them to stay. Yes Go outside. Scream. I'm fine! Still wanted to help. Convince Heisuke. Was worried about Heisuke. I want to be with you. I'll stay here. Chapter 5: You know that's not true. Make him endure it. I want to be by your side. Gingerbread Man :silver: [topo] Harada's route cleared. Consiga o TRUE END de Sanosuke Harada. GUIA Chapter 1: Attempt to explain my situation. Gave up. Search the compound. No, I can't. Quietly return to my room. Thank you. Join them on their rounds. No, I'm not. Chapter 2: Remain in the compound. Why me? Yamazaki, you should go. Head to the Ikeda Inn. ...follow Harada. ... want to come. To Kuge Gate. Get rid of Shiranui. I stepped out of line... Chapter 3: Return to my room. Go outside. We all wish for the same thing. Stay. Didn't move. Have faith in Harada. Yes, please. It's not any of my business. Their interest in me. The notice board. Strange. Did I really look that unhappy? Chapter 4: The soldiers. Someone close to the people who were leaving. Yes Go find the others. You don't even know anything. Trust the Shinsengumi. I like eating with other people. Still wanted to help. Convince Heisuke. Tried to negotiate with the demons. I'll stay here. Chapter 5: It's hard to say. Pretend to drink. Run away. Mahalo, Bro :silver: [topo] Nagakura's route cleared. Consiga o TRUE END de Shinpachi Nagakura. GUIA Chapter 1: Attempt to explain my situation. Decided to tell them why I'd come to Kyoto. Search the compound. No, I can't. Quietly return to my room. Join them on their rounds. No, I'm not. Chapter 2: Leave and search for my father. Scope things out. Need to take care of Nagakura. No, show me your hand right now. ... want to come. To Mount Ten'nou. Fight as well. I'm not sure I agree. Left him alone. Chapter 3: Return to my room. Go back to my room. Am glad he's alive, though. Stay. Didn't move. Tell him to watch out. Yes, please. It's not any of my business. Their interest in me. We shouldn't. Sen ... think I understand what you mean. Chapter 4: The soldiers. Someone close to the people who were leaving. I don't think so. Yes Stay in my room. Run away from the room. Call for help. Please don't push yourself. Can I be one too? Still wanted to help. I'll do anything. Ran after Nagakura. I'll stay here. Chapter 5: Okay, I understand. Do you have to go? It's not over yet. Sanaan Bread and Curry :silver: [topo] Sanan's route cleared. Consiga o TRUE END de Keisuke Sanan. GUIA Chapter 1: Find a way to escape Stayed where I was. Stay put. Wow, I had no idea. Quietly return to my room. Stay behind in the headquarters. Chapter 2: Remain in the compound. I'll go. Yamazaki, you should go. Stay with Hijikata. ... will stay behind. Go to the common room. I stepped out of line... Chapter 3: Investigate. Investigate Yagi house Persuade him. Go back to headquarters. But... Heisuke. Yeah, it is. Yes, please. It's not any of my business. Turning humans into Demons. Yes, I do. Grab his hands. The Furies. Chapter 4: The soldiers. Someone who knows Itou. Yes, I hope so as well. Yes Stay in my room. Run away from the room. Fight Kazama. Trust Sanan. I'm sure they understand Still wanted to help. I'll do anything. Remained here with Heisuke. Will leave him in your hands. I will leave him to you. I'll stay here. Chapter 5: Do you really believe that it"™ll get better? Asked for a reason. Nihongo Ninja Warrior :silver: [topo] Yamazaki's route cleared. Consiga o TRUE END de Susumu Yamazaki. GUIA Chapter 1: Find a way to escape. Stayed where I was. Stay put. Wow, I had no idea. Quietly return to my room. Accompany Hijikata as his page. Explain the situation Chapter 2: Remain in the compound. Why me? I promise to give the message. Stay with Hijikata. Were you a patient? ... want to come. To Hamaguri Gate. Stop him. I stepped out of line... Chapter 3: Investigate. Investigate Yagi house Scream. Go back to headquarters. You're right. Okita. But... No, I'll take care of it. I'm worried about Okita. Go around. Leave it be. The Furies. Didn't even notice. Chapter 4: The Guard. Felt betrayed. Yes Stay in my room. Remain in the room. You're my comrade, too. I'm sure they understand Decided to stay home. I want to help. Confirm with Hijikata. Thank you in advance. Chapter 5: I'm scared to leave you. I know what you mean... Oh, Brother... :silver: [topo] Iba's route cleared. Consiga o TRUE END de Hachiro Iba. GUIA Chapter 1: Find a way to escape. Stayed where I was. Stay put. Wow, I had no idea. Quietly return to my room. Accompany Hijikata as his page. Apologize about Takeda Chapter 2: Remain in the compound. Why me? I promise to give the message. Stay with Hijikata. Sorry for not remembering. ... will stay behind. Go to the common room. Take a stroll. Chapter 3: Investigate. Investigate Yagi house Scream. Hide my hands. Yes, please. Call for someone. It's not any of my business. My father. Only if something were to happen... The notice board. Perplexed. Reason to protect me...? Chapter 4: The soldiers. Someone high-ranking. Take it back. No Go find the others. You don't even know anything. Trust the Shinsengumi. You have the Shinsengumi. I'll stay here. Chapter 5: If those are the Commander's orders... I understand. Okay. These Chicks Love Souma :silver: [topo] Souma's route cleared. Consiga o TRUE END de Kazue Souma. GUIA Chapter 1: Find a way to escape. Stayed where I was. Stay put. Wow, I had no idea. Quietly return to my room. Join them on their rounds. Actually, I'm a page. Chapter 2: Remain in the compound. Why me? Yamazaki, you should go. Head to the Ikeda Inn. ...follow Harada. ... will stay behind. Go to the common room. Respond kindly. Chapter 3: Return to my room. Go outside. Yes, it might be asking for too much. Go back to headquarters. But... Okita. But... No, I'll take care of it. It's not any of my business. My father. I was so happy for him. Okita I'm a member of the Shinsengumi. Chapter 4: You are useful. Yes Not explain it to him. I want to talk with him. Still wanted to help. Help with Itou. I'd love to hear it. Did it come to fruition? Chapter 5: I'll stay here. Don't give up. Stop him. Rico Suave :silver: [topo] Sakamoto's route cleared. Consiga o TRUE END de Ryouma Sakamoto. GUIA Chapter 1: Find a way to escape. Stayed where I was. Stay put. Wow, I had no idea. Quietly return to my room. Go to Fushimi. Oh, no thank you. Chapter 2: Remain in the compound. Why me? Yamazaki, you should go. Head to the Ikeda Inn. ...follow Harada. ...will stay behind. Go to the common room. Don't ask him. Chapter 3: Return to my room. Go outside. Yes, it might be asking for too much. Stay behind. I'm sorry. No, I'll take care of it. It's not any of my business. My father. Go call for help. Do you think so? Chapter 4: The soldiers. Someone close to the people who were leaving. I think he is a good person deep down. No. Go outside. Scream. I'll do it. Went with them. I want to help. Trust Hijikata. Return immediately. Chapter 5: Don't go. Stay and talk to Sakamoto. I trust you. Kazablanca :silver: [topo] Kazama's route cleared. Consiga o TRUE END de Chikage Kazama. GUIA Chapter 1: Find a way to escape. Ran for it. Search the compound. No, I can't. Quietly return to my room. Accompany Hijikata as his page. Explain the situation Chapter 2: Leave and search for my father. Scope things out. Go upstairs. ... thank him. Were you a patient? ... want to come. To Mount Ten'nou. Stop Nagakura. ... Hold my place. I stepped out of line... Chapter 3: Investigate. Investigate Yagi house Persuade him. Stay. Reached for my sword. Draw the sword. Yes, please. It's not any of my business. Turning humans into Demons. No, I'd rather not know. I still have faith in them. The Furies. Chapter 4: The soldiers. Someone who knows Itou. Do you really think so? Talk to him. No Go find the others. I will take responsibility in my father's place. Try to escape. Decided to stay home. I'll stay here. Chapter 5: You guys are the monsters. The head of the Yukimura Clan. It Could've Been Worse... :silver: [topo] Viewed the normal ending. Esse troféu deve ser feito na rota de Ryouma Sakamoto. GUIA Chapter 1: Find a way to escape. Stayed where I was. Stay put. Wow, I had no idea. Quietly return to my room. Go to Fushimi. Oh, no thank you. Chapter 2: Remain in the compound. Why me? Yamazaki, you should go. Head to the Ikeda Inn. ...follow Harada. ...will stay behind. Go to the common room. Don't ask him. Chapter 3: Return to my room. Go outside. Yes, it might be asking for too much. Go with them. Go back to headquarters. But... Heisuke. Yeah, it is. No, I'll take care of it. It's not any of my business. My father. The Furies. Chapter 4: The soldiers. Someone close to the people who were leaving. No. Go outside. Scream. Decided to stay home. I want to help. Trust Hijikata. Return immediately. It Just Got Worse... :silver: [topo] Viewed all bad endings. Assista a todos os BAD END do jogo. Toshizo Hijikata Record of Service > Chapter 5 > Romance LOW I have to leave. Get revenge. Souji Okita Record of Service > Chapter 5 > Romance LOW This isn't what Kondou would want! There's no point in stopping you. Hajime Saito Record of Service > Chapter 5 > Romance LOW You could win Saito. Will go with Kazama. Heisuke Toudou Record of Service > Chapter 5 > Romance LOW That means you"™re free. Give him the medicine. Sanosuke Harada Record of Service > Chapter 5 > Romance LOW That"™s pointless. Fight. Shinpachi Nagakura Record of Service > Chapter 5 > Romance LOW You'll come back, right? That's unfortunate. Keisuke Sanan Record of Service > Chapter 5 > Romance LOW You"™re fine, Okita. Reproached him. Susumu Yamazaki Record of Service > Chapter 5 > Romance LOW I want to be helpful. You are fighting, Yamazaki! Hachiro Iba Record of Service > Chapter 5 > Romance LOW I don't want to go. I'll fight by your side. No. Kazue Souma Record of Service > Chapter 5 > Romance LOW Said Nothing. Give up Ryouma Sakamoto Record of Service > Chapter 5 > Romance LOW Go. Find a way to escape. I trust you. Chikage Kazama Record of Service > Chapter 5 > Romance LOW I might be a monster Kodo's daughter. [...............] :silver: [topo] Viewed all unrequited love endings. Assista a todos os UNREQUITED END do jogo. Toshizo Hijikata Record of Service > Chapter 5 > Romance LOW I have to leave. Run for it. Souji Okita Record of Service > Chapter 5 > Romance LOW This isn't what Kondou would want! I"™m worried about you Okita. Hajime Saito Record of Service > Chapter 5 > Romance LOW You could win Saito. Will stop Saito. Heisuke Toudou Record of Service > Chapter 5 > Romance LOW That means you"™re free. Make him endure it. Sanosuke Harada Record of Service > Chapter 5 > Romance LOW That"™s pointless. Run away. Shinpachi Nagakura Record of Service > Chapter 5 > Romance LOW You'll come back, right? It"™s not over yet. Keisuke Sanan Record of Service > Chapter 5 > Romance LOW You"™re fine, Okita. Asked for a reason. Susumu Yamazaki Record of Service > Chapter 5 > Romance LOW I want to be helpful. I know what you mean... Hachiro Iba Record of Service > Chapter 5 > Romance LOW I don't want to go. I'll fight by your side. Okay. Kazue Souma Record of Service > Chapter 5 > Romance LOW Said Nothing. Don't give up. Don't stop him. Ryouma Sakamoto Record of Service > Chapter 5 > Romance LOW Don't go. Stay and talk to Sakamoto. I can't trust him... Chikage Kazama Record of Service > Chapter 5 > Romance LOW I might be a monster The head of the Yukimura Clan. Nobody Makes Me Bleed My Own Blood :bronze: [topo] Cleared Prologue. Conclua o Prologue, não há opções para escolher, apenas aproveite a história. Take a Page Out of My Book :bronze: [topo] Cleared Chapter 1. Conclua o CapÃtulo 1, independente das suas escolhas. New Town, Who Dis...? :bronze: [topo] Cleared Chapter 2. Conclua o CapÃtulo 2, independente das suas escolhas. Still a Better Love Story than... :bronze: [topo] Cleared Chapter 3. Conclua o CapÃtulo 3, independente das suas escolhas. Our Pets' Heads Are Falling Off! :bronze: [topo] Cleared Chapter 4. Conclua o CapÃtulo 4, independente das suas escolhas. Just a Small-Town boy... :bronze: [topo] Hijikata's route started. Comece a jogar a rota de Toshizo Hijikata. Souji Whiz :bronze: [topo] Okita's route started. Comece a jogar a rota de Souji Okita. Saito For Sore Eyes :bronze: [topo] Saito's route started. Comece a jogar a rota de Hajime Saito. Aren't You a Little Short for a Samurai? :bronze: [topo] Toudou's route started. Comece a jogar a rota de Heisuke Toudou. My Little Red Corvette :bronze: [topo] Harada's route started. Comece a jogar a rota de Sanosuke Harada. Out of the Friendzone :bronze: [topo] Nagakura's route started. Comece a jogar a rota de Shinpachi Nagakura. N.E.R.D. :bronze: [topo] Sanan's route started. Comece a jogar a rota de Keisuke Sanan. Where Did You Come From...? :bronze: [topo] Yamazaki's route started. Comece a jogar a rota de Susumu Yamazaki. Reunited, and It Feels So Good :bronze: [topo] Iba's route started. Comece a jogar a rota de Hachiro Iba. We Got Sou-mach to Catch Up On :bronze: [topo] Souma's route started. Comece a jogar a rota de Kazue Souma. Is That a Gun in Your Pocket, or... :bronze: [topo] Sakamoto's route started. Comece a jogar a rota de Ryouma Sakamoto. Now That's What I Call Demon, Vol. 1 :bronze: [topo] Kazama's route started. Comece a jogar a rota de Chikage Kazama. Compartilhe esta postagem Link to post Share on other sites
Pipitchu_1914 659 Postado Fevereiro 16, 2019 A rainha dos novels... N se esqueça do Stein;Gate hein ushauhsahusahsauhuas Compartilhe esta postagem Link to post Share on other sites
anichagas_ 182 Postado Fevereiro 18, 2019 A rainha dos novels... N se esqueça do Stein;Gate hein ushauhsahusahsauhuas o steins;gate ta na lista, até já comecei o guia auhhauhauhahua to procurando tempo ainda pra fazer a última atualização do PS3, em breve devo postar 1 Compartilhe esta postagem Link to post Share on other sites
GanseySargent 862 Postado Fevereiro 18, 2019 Oficializado em 18/02/2019. Obrigado pela sua contribuição à comunidade com mais um guia, Ani. Parabéns! Compartilhe esta postagem Link to post Share on other sites